Week 15 -Mind As Matter

Mind as matter

As we engage Week 15, I am inspired by the idea that MIND (as light as a feather) has the power to manifest the material (as dense as a rock).

The popular phrase has always been Mind Over Matter, but in truth, it is Mind As Matter. What we think becomes the landscape of the world in which we live. Our thoughts become the mind – which becomes the template – in which our reality must conform.

It is so appropriate that the next 13 weeks is a transformation of our personalities, built on  survival and transformed into a virtuous being that transcends all the qualities of a personality based on “How Do I Win.”

In virtue, we have already won! It is the ‘future self’ that we beckon to become. And we have come to learn that all that we want to become is already within us. I am owning this glorious understanding – that I already am all that i have wanted to become.

I always keep my promises.

6 thoughts on “Week 15 -Mind As Matter”

  1. Greg. This should be a featured blog. Quick, short, TO THE POINT. Yes, everyone who have PIFed, and moving into 2019…

    “In virtue, we have already won! It is the ‘future self’ that we beckon to become. And we have come to learn that all that we want to become is already within us”

    You truly said it…. with ENTHUSIASM!!


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